Motor Speech Specialty Services

A motor speech disorder refers to a group of communication disorders that impact the production of speech sounds. These disorders arise from difficulties in coordinating the precise movements of the speech muscles, including the lips, tongue, jaw, and vocal cords. As a result, individuals with motor speech disorders may experience challenges in articulating speech sounds correctly, leading to unclear or unintelligible speech.

Two common types of motor speech disorders are:

Apraxia of Speech (AOS): AOS is a neurological motor speech disorder where individuals have difficulty planning and coordinating the precise movements required for speech production. Despite having intact muscle strength and language skills, it is challenging to translate speech intentions into smooth and coordinated movements. This may result in inconsistent speech errors, groping, incorrect prosody and sometimes a struggle to initiate speech.

Dysarthria: Dysarthria is a type of motor speech disorder caused by weakness, paralysis, or lack of coordination in the muscles responsible for speech production. This can occur due to various neurological conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or degenerative diseases. People with dysarthria may experience slurred speech, imprecise articulation, and reduced vocal volume.


Treatment for motor speech disorders is distinctly different than typical speech treatment. It is important to seek out a therapist that has specific training in this area. Be sure that your therapist has an understanding of the principles of motor learning and the shift to movement focused intervention.

Skills & Qualifications

At Speech Specialists we are PROMPT Certified and have advanced training in Dynamic Temporal & Tactile Cueing (DTTC). These are motor based treatment approaches that focus on motor speech movement rather than individual sounds in therapy.

Book your Motor Speech Evaluation today!

Please fill out this contact form to schedule your FREE initial phone consultation with Alex, and set up your appointment for a motor speech evaluation!